Responsibilities for Land Surveyors (Public Agency)

Below is an outline of your professional responsibilities as a public surveyor:

  • Include monument perpetuation in all capital improvement project contracts.
  • Require monuments to be shown on all plans - capital improvements and private development projects.
  • Educate and train your in-house inspectors. (Sample Training PowerPoint linked below)
  • Attend all preconstruction meetings – emphasize monument perpetuation and the costs. (Sample Handout)
  • Prepare thorough corner records and records of survey.
  • Educate your contractors - make them aware that monument preservation is part of the contract and they will be financially responsible for any destroyed monuments.


Education is key to ensuring preservation of monuments. Below are some resources to assist you in educating your staff:

Sample Educational Letter (CEAC)
Sample Monument Preservation Guideline (San Bernardino)
Monument Brochure
Sample Handout for Inspectors & Contractors (City of San Diego)
Sample Agency Procedure (San Diego)
Sample In-House Training PowerPoint
Sample Handout for Contractors (City of Anaheim)