- Scouting Merit Badge -California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) has a standing committee charged with promoting and facilitating participation in the Boy & Girl Scout's Surveying Merit Badge programs and other youth groups.The committee's current goal is to assist in making qualified surveyors available for scheduling wherever participating scouts, an appropriate place, and a schedule may be coordinated. Toward this goal the committee chair seeks to:
Of the 130+ merit badges currently offered, the Surveying Merit Badge shares with only 26 others the distinction of being among those originally offered in the 1911 Scouting Handbook. The Surveying Merit Badge is a perfect vehicle for exposing young people, future citizens and leaders, men and women, to what we know as the best kept career secret. Please contact us by email with your ideas, suggestions, or questions at [email protected].
CLSA Resources: Surveying Merit Badge HandbookScouting Merit Badge HelpCal Surveyor Surveying Merit Badge ArticleExternal Links: Boy Scouts of AmericaBoy Scouts of America - Surveying Merit BadgeGirl ScoutsGirl Scouts History Project - Basic Land Surveying BadgeThe American Surveyor - The BSA Surveying Merit Badge (2005)Wikipedia - Boy Scouts of America - Original 57 Merit BadgesWikipedia - Scouting in California |